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Meet Our Leadership Team

Each of the leaders and staff of Grace Bible Church are vitally concerned for people






Steve Smith was born and raised in North Idaho, and is one of the humblest men you will meet!


Steve graduated from the University of Idaho and went on to receive his Juris Doctorate from the University of Idaho Law School. Steve's life's work, in addition to raising his children and loving his wife, has been in providing legal counsel to families in need, particularly in the area of Business law, wills, estates and trusts.  He currently works pro bono for a national organization which defends religious freedoms in the United States, as well as serving as lead Elder at Grace Bible Church. 


Yulanda graduated from Bob Jones University (Greenville, SC), and besides being wife and mother, is an accomplished pianist. She also is instrumental in organizing Keepers at Home, a ministry to women at Grace Bible Church. 


Steve and Yulanda have been married for over 20 years and have 5 children. 

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Gene hails from the Flathead Valley of Montana. He has served his country in the US Coast Guard and has served his LORD and Savior as a keeper of sheep (the two legged kind) both in the US and Canada for the last 34 years. Gene has a heart for the ministry of making disciples of all men and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost!


A graduate of Patriot Bible University, along with additional training in Nouthetic counseling and the school of hard-knocks, he is a gifted communicator with a passion for the Word of God. ​


Gene recently accepted the call to come on as a Staff Elder/Pastor at GBC, making him the 7th in GBC's nearly 50 year history.


Gene and his wife, Randa, have been married 51 years and have 5 children that are serving the Lord in various capacities across the US.

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Gene Speer




Recently retired from being Senior Pastor/Lead Elder at Grace Bible Church for over 30 years, Paul was born and raised in North Africa, in a culture which was very much like the culture we find in our Bibles. Often that means he has some interesting insights into Bible texts.


He first of all loves Jesus Christ and then he loves people. You will find him and his family to be warm and friendly, but also serious about Bible truth and how God wants us to live it. He has been pastoring and counseling since 1985. In November of 2021, Paul retired as the lead pastor at Grace Bible Church, a role held since 1993, in order to focus on building the counseling ministry. He currently serves as Lead Elder while we search for a new lead pastor.


Paul and Roycee' have been married nearly 50 years, have raised nine children (eight married) and have 45 grandchildren. They understand family! 

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Both Paul and Roycee' are graduates of Multnomah University (Portland, OR). Paul also holds a BA in Communications (Linfield College, McMinnville, OR) and an MA in Biblical Counseling (Masters College, Santa Clarita, CA). He and Roycee are also certified with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC - previously NANC).






Gerald does a fantastic job managing church operations and other essential “behind the scenes” aspects of the ministry. He loves God and commits every day to helping and serving those around him. His passion is to see people’s lives changed and relationships strengthened through the transforming power of Christ.


His life verse is Colossians 3:23-24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” 

Gerald is married to his wife, Melodie, and together they have 5 children. He and his family love to hike and bike together, experience new adventures in outdoor activities, and make music on the guitar, piano and violin.

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Chris is a man with a passion for glorifying God in everything he does. He loves to play the piano, lead congregational singing, and direct the choir. Chris is responsible for the music program in the church and music outreach to the community and in mission outreach. As a church accompanist for over 30 years, he has written a hymn improvisation book called Hymnprovisation (The Art of Effective Improvisational Accompaniment) to help church pianists. 


In addition to music, Chris is also responsible for administering the facilities at GBC, and gladly helps out with whatever needs to be done. 


Chris is a licensed electrical contractor and writes music arrangements in his spare time. Chris married the love of his life, Becca Lee, in 2019. Both Chris and Becca Lee come from large families (14 and 6 children), serve together in teaching and ministering in music, and are grateful for the two sons God has blessed them with so far.






Tanya is one of the cheerful voices you may hear when you call the office. She is our very thorough Secretary and Administrative Assistant and keeps things running in the office. 






Michelle is our newest part-time Administrative Assistant and one of the cheerful voices you may hear when you call the office. She is studying to be an Accountant and Bookkeeper and enjoys spending time with her 8 grandchildren. 





Gene Speer, Steve Smith, Paul Peabody

Dave Germond, and Chris Dortignac.



Patrick P., Gerald I., Rob B., Joseph A., Kevin F.,

Jeremy P.



Patrick and Abigail P., Steve S.,

Rob B., Ryan H., Jeremiah C., Katie C., Bekah P.



Nathan L., Daniel S., Ryan P., Makaela I., Zachaiah S., Hannah A., Tom M.


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